
Using your vision in the same manner explorers use the North Star

Keril Sawyer
4:23 am
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As you have probably figured out by now, life is complica...

  As you have probably figured out by now, life is complicated. And there is no perfect answer to any question you might ask. You have goals that you want to reach, but some how, year in and year out you remain in the same place. Don’t be too hard on yourself as long as you are trending in the right direction.


  When explorers get lost and try to figure out if they are going in the right direction, they look for Polaris (Which is also known as the North Star). Why? Because the North Star tells them which direction is North.

  You may not be an explorer. You may not be trying to conquer new lands, but you are probably trying to make your way in this life. This is where your vision comes in. You see, your vision is your North Star. It will point you in the right direction. It will tell you if the activities you are currently focused on, are guiding you in the right direction, towards your destiny, or if your activities are driving you away from your destiny. Martin Luther King had a vision. John F. Kennedy had a vision. Nelson Mandela had a vision. You should too.

Keril Sawyer